IP7 Compass

International patent search with IP7 Compass

Find relevant patent documents from all over the world within seconds – and build your own patent database.

Search fast and limitless  worldwide

For anyone who wants to find, evaluate and share international patent documents

Patent search - flexible and efficient

Search in more than 160 million patent documents from over 100 countries – and flexibly rank, filter and analyze results.

Establish your own patent database

Create projects, evaluate patent documents and add your own information. Very simple.

Optimize knowledge transfer

Document knowledge and share results with others: via export, new tasks or defined workflows.


Different patent strategies at the same time? No problem

IP7 Compass is based on a powerful, sophisticated software architecture that allows even the most complex patent searches. Easily track multiple search projects and patent strategies in parallel – without losing track.

Patent search with own search projects

Manage and archive patent searches in projects, add project information or comments in individually configurable fields – including history function and flexible export.

Search fast and limitless  worldwide

Patent search with IP7 Compass: More highlights


State of the art searches, FTO searches, patent monitoring

Search for owner (not only applicant)

Search optionally via document, registration, simple family or extended family

Search possible in original language (80 countries in full text incl. machine translation)

Simultaneous left/right truncation

Proximity Operators


Semantic search (finds similar patents based on a text/patent)

Citation searches (multiple levels, indirect citations)

Search for Regular Expressions (e.g. 3-5 mm)

Synonym highlighting / automatic synonym recognition

Search for granted, expired, published

Boost Operators and more


Automatic analysis of results with ad-hoc filter function without limitation

Reference Ranking, Full Text Ranking

Filter by classification, applicant, inventor, etc.

Graphical analyses – flexible, create your own templates

Export to various formats such as Excel, Word, PDF or XML (up to 50,000 documents)

Function: read / unread / not relevant

Fast scrolling function with mosaic display

Key Term Recognition


Flexible export and workflow functions

Export your search results in various formats such as Excel, Word, PDF or XML (up to 50,000 documents) – or share data and findings directly in the web view.

International data, powerful database

IP7 Compass is based on our self-developed patent database with documents from over 100 countries – including access to original documents, machine translations, bibliographic data, drawings, full texts, legal status data and more.


From patent search to patent monitoring

Turn your search projects into monitoring tasks – for automated monitoring of patents worldwide.

Go to intelligent patent monitoring

One software for all company sizes: Search patents worldwide - with IP7 Compass

that simplify your work


Intuitive Dashboard

Keep track of everything in your personal dashboard.

Restore last session

Open your projects and pick up right where you left off.

Work on multiple screens

Flexibly place the software’s windows and fields on multiple monitors.


Project overview

Create projects and tasks and keep track of your patent work

Search Filters

Create your own search filters and refine your results.

Keywords & Set hierarchies

Keyword patent documents and sort them hierarchically.

Evaluate & Comment

Evaluate and comment on documents in your projects – for yourself and your team.


Automatic searches

Automatically receive information on new or modified patents.

Reminder function

The latest status – directly to your inbox: Create automatic reminders.

Data security

Work on the safe side – with our ISO-certified data center.

International patent search with IP7 Compass - find out more now

IP7 Compass is as flexible and powerful as you need it to be. Talk to us about the right solution for your company.